Adulting is hard work, yo.
So here are a few writing nuggets from here and thar to whet yer writing whistle.
Chuck Wendig is that profanely profound penmonkey of the Terribleminds blog, and I heart him so hard I would totally tie him up in my basement (if we had basements in this part of Florida) and feed him tequila and Krispy Kremes until I soaked every last bit of writing wisdom out of him. If you aren't subscribed to his blog, you should go bang your head against the nearest wall, hard, and then go subscribe to his blog.
- In Which I Critique Your Story (That I Haven't Read)
- A Smattering of Stupid Writer Tricks
- Rating Self-Promotional Techniques for Writers and Their Books
- The 10 Commandments of Authorial Self-Promotion
Chuck also has some kick-ass writing books you should own. As in go clicky-click. Right-the-fark-now, clicky-click.
- The Kick-Ass Writer: 1001 Ways to Write Great Fiction, Get Published, and Earn Your Audience
- 250 Things You Should Know About Writing
- 500 Ways To Tell A Better Story
- 500 Ways To Be A Better Writer
- Confessions of a Freelance Penmonkey
- 500 More Ways To Be A Better Writer
Kristen Lamb is another brilliant purveyor of writing wisdom. But since she does kick-ass Brazilian jujitsu ninja stuff, I would start with trying to bribe her with gluten-free, dairy-free chocolate cookies. (Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform...?) No, but I'd love to sit and pick her brain for...ever. Again, if you haven't subscribed to her blog yet, WTH? Go, do it, now. And it's not just writing advice she dispenses. She has some mental jujitsu crap going on, where she peels back your skull, looks inside, and writes about THAT, about real life. (Well, it feels like she's doing that to me, anyway.) She shows it's not all about perfection and daisies, and I don't know about y'all, but I NEED to hear that other people are going through real-life problems, too, because then I don't feel alone.
- Persistence Prevails When All Else Fails - Being an Outlaster
- Dip Happens - What Do we DO When Nothing Seems to Change?
- Anatomy of a Legendary Villain
- Tens Ways to Tighten Your Writing & Hook the Reader
- Franken-Novel, Perfectionism, & The Dark Side of Critique Groups
AND, she has an AMAZEBALLS book you MUST read if you're a writer.
Here are a few other writing posts for you to peruse today.
- Jane Friedman: How to Plot and Outline Without Using a Formula
- Romance University: How to Save Your Story From Slumping in the Middle by the Writer's Relief Staff
- Romance University: Part 1 - What is Voice and Why Does it Matter? by Ed Gaffney
- Writer Unboxed: Character Cue: Whose Line is it Anyway? An Easy Exercise to Strengthen Voice
- Writer Unboxed: 7 Secrets of Highly Persistent Writers